Please forgive my blog silence. I almost died this week. I don't know what it is about winter, but it makes me sicker than... well... so sick that I can't even come up with a clever way of saying it. Add in the first "real" week of a new job, plus the stress of a MAJOR work miscommunication that I don't even want to get into, and you're left with one very exhausted dieter.
I'm hoping that my weight loss will persevere through everything this week. We'll see. I do know from experience that my blood sugar tends to go up and stay up when I'm fighting off infection. And when my blood sugar is up, I tend to lose less weight. Stupid blood sugar.
All of that being said, I feel pretty good about my eating, although this week has presented its share of troubles. I've had problms fitting in my shakes with my new schedule and I can absolutely feel a difference. I'm going to have to figure out how to manage my morning time better. Those shakes were doing a lot more for me than I realized. I have struggled with more cravings and I've also had trouble staying full. Ready to get back on that bandwagon.
I also noticed another interesting and (in my opinion) super exciting "side effect" of this program. For some, it may be TMI, but I promised transparency, and transparency is what you're going to get.
I have been on 1500 mg of Metformin for well over a year now. I take it to manage my blood sugar as well as my PCOS and have had fairly good success with it. It does, however, come with a pretty horrible digestive side effect. Let your imagination run wild (unless, of course, you are a fellow Metformin user. In that case, just nod knowingly). In the beginning, I tried over-the-counter meds to help offset the problem, but finally just gave up. Nothing worked. I was destined to be a bathroom sprinter for the rest of my days.
It occurred to me this week, however, that I haven't had one problem since starting this diet. Not a single one. Can I get a hoorah!? My digestion has been right on par. I haven't been uncomfortable in the slightest. I think I give credit to the digestion boost. It's absolutely my new favorite product. Ever. In the world. Yay for unexpected side effects.
I still plan to weigh in on Monday. That gives me 2 days to kick the Ick and get back on track. I will also start the 7-Day Cleanse next week as long as I'm feeling healthy enough. The Cleanse has been known to make people feel a little yucky on their first go, so if I'm not over whatever this illness is, I might postpone for a few days. We'll wait and see.
I'm hoping that Sharon and I will have a good turn-out at the Manage the Damage party on Monday night. If you're in the area and want to come, let me know! If you're NOT in the area and want more info, also let me know! That's the beauty of Arbonne. No regional boundary lines. Bring on the Canadian clientele! :)
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